Scuba Diving Safety Procedures

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What do I do to prepare for my first scuba diving trip?

Scuba Diving Safety Procedures

When preparing for a boat dive, be a smart diver, arrive early to the dive boat, find a good spot, and set up your scuba dive gear before the boat even leaves the dock. Keep mask, fins, and other loose scuba diving equipment in a mesh bag under your seat where they can't be lost or broken. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, wear sun block, and if there is any chance of seasickness, take Bonine a couple of hours before departure. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Plan your dive entry and know how to get back on board after the dive. If you have questions about the dive plan, ask the divemaster before you hit the water. And if all goes well, as it should if you follow these tips, remember to leave a tip for the divemaster and boat crew before you disembark. They'll appreciate it, and be even more glad to see you the next day.



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